World languages
Vous vous entendez bien
Worksheet with match up and question and answer on personal relationships with family and friends.
mon anniversaire
Hnadouts showing how to say when your birthday is, with an exercise writing the dates into a full sentence.
Pausenbrot Word search
Wordsearch based on the topic of recess snacks.Useful to start or wrap up.
Sports pictures
Sports pictures to cut out and stick into students books and label in any foreign language.
Werbung ueberall vocab test
Vocab test taken from German textbook - Werbung ueberall.
Werbung vocab test
Vocab test about Werbung.
Die Farben match up
Match up activity of colors vocabulary. Useful for starter/wrap up.
Verben missing letters
Fill in the missing letters to create the correct verbs in the infinitive. Useful starter/wrap up.
Weather flashcards
Flashcards to be used for the weather topic.
Qu'est-ce qu'on fait?
Flashcards to introduce activities people do at home. (eat, do homework etc)
Speaking Booklet with example answers
Speaking booklet with lots of questions to answer and some example answers.
les snacks wordsearch
Wordsearch based on the topic of snacks. Useful starter/plenary or for cover work.
Mein Betriebspraktikum
Worksheet helping students to describe their work experience.
dans mon sac wordsearch
Wordsearch based on the topic of school bag items. Useful starter/wrap up or for cover work.
les transports wordsearch
Wordsearch based on the topic of transport. Useful start or end of lessons or for cover work.
Kunst in Deutschland
Powerpoint with some famous works of German speaking artists with a match up activity of the artist to their description.
les vacances match up
Match up activity of useful vacation vocabulary. Useful for starter/plenary.
les vacances word search
Word search based on the topic of vacations. Useful to start or wrap up.
Armut und Reichtum Vocabulary
Vocabulary list from Zeitgeist chapter: Armut und Reichtum
Unemployment assignment
Example assignment to be used for discussion (what makes a good assignment etc.) on unemployment in Germany.